Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We are here experimenting and learning things to share!

We have enjoyed our intense library experimentation today, August 19th. We had fun at our table learning about new things and stressing together about things that did not want to load. It would probably have made more since if we had all done Table one items first so we would have all found images that we would have used in the rest of the manipulations. It takes time to find pictures, but it is fun! A good time was had by all most of the time!
Found images and videos on Discovery Education and images in Flickr Creative Commons; used Audacity to create audio but it would not post. Everytime the computer would have a technical problem and I would need to restart.
Used image manipulation to create a magazine cover and I can see this as useful for teachers.
I will share what I learned with my teachers and continue to experiment with technology!

1 comment:

Jane said...

You found your password! Glad to see you blogging again. Hope your year is getting off to a good start!